Grounding 101
Grounding - a definition.
Grounding. You might think of the word in conjunction with some form of punishment from your parents when you’ve done something bad as kid. Or, if you’re in the world of electrical wiring, you might think of grounding as connecting an electrical device with the earth to allow excess electricity to return to the earth rather than frying everything connected to your system in the event of an electrical surge.
The grounding I would like to talk about today is to do with the latter idea. Electricity. No you aren’t being punished for bad behavior!
As humans we are electrical beings, similar to your household appliances. As such, we need to ensure that we are grounding ourselves to the earth to allow that excess electricity to be released. Without this physical grounding we humans tend to build up inflammation which can lead to dis-ease. Energy wise, grounding to the earth energetically helps our energy body (Aura) to flow and allows us to continue taking in energy and information from the universe/source (whatever higher power you ascribe to) through our crown chakra without frying the system (so to speak).
Physical ways of grounding our physical vessel include walking barefoot outside, using earthing products like blankets and mats, swimming in a body of water like a lake or the ocean, anything that puts your skin in direct contact with Mother Earth.
Energetic grounding is helped along by physically grounding yourself (as mentioned above). It just goes a step further.
Grounding - a practice.
A great exercise to help you ground your energy body (Aura) involves picturing yourself in your favorite green space.
I like to picture myself barefoot with my feet on the ground in this lush old growth forest with huge cedar trees overhead (the kind you can’t wrap your arms around), riotous ostrich ferns in the understory and moss growing on absolutely everything. It even smells rich and wise, like it’s been around for all of time. As soon as I start picturing myself in this space the bottom of my feet start buzzing and just like that I’m grounded and the energy is releasing out the soles, lovingly received into the energetic matrix of the earth.
It’s a super easy exercise that you can do anywhere, in your morning meeting at the office, while your stuck in traffic, even in bed before you drift off to sleep. The more you practice grounding, the less you have to ‘practice’ as it becomes your normal state. We are designed to be grounded, energetically, all the time. So when we get back into alignment with ‘practice’ that state eventually becomes our normal.